Overview: A cadre of serious III/Patriot/Prepper/Survivalist/Liberty Forces trainers are coming together in a network, building a comprehensive curriculum, and will then teach those of you who wish to learn.
Jedburgh is designed to train the Officer Corps of Liberty Forces. Graduates will be the brain trust - the people who can answer the important questions when they are asked by the newly awakened young man when he shows up at your camp with a toddler and a wife who is heavy with their next little one. The Jedburgh graduates will take point. Jedburgh graduates will lead by example and by experience.
Jedburgh Academy is NOT a few weekends of commitment. This is a University model. There are multiple 'tracks' students may take, but the end result is that everyone who attends will demonstrate Shoot, Move & Communicate skills, Auxiliary skills, and Strategic Services skills. And you will demonstrate those skills sufficiently to your Professional Trainers.
If you are a young buck who wants to run & gun - great - but you will NOT graduate Jedburgh until you prove you know how to preserve food. You will NOT graduate until you can demonstrate proficiency with a QRP rig and whatever -else our Comms trainers insist you NTK (need-to-know), If you are a wheelchair-bound old man, you will NOT graduate the Auxiliary Track until you prove you can still put a bullet on an X at 200 meters from your front porch. You want to be a genuine, real-life Sniper-qualified shooter? We've got the instructor who MAY allow you to take his course. It will not be easy. It will require everything you've got in the braincase.
Yes - just like in College/University, you will have the ability to 'test-out' of classes in which you have sufficient life-experience to demonstrate proficiency.
We have trainers and training facilities all over CONUS, literally coast to coast, and we are adding more. Some of our Trainers will be able to routinely travel to participating facilities, some may be able to travel less-frequently, some will not.
The reality is simple: If you think hitting the X with that AR in your safe is all you need to know for the imminent Candid Exchange of Ideas (TM WRSA), and you think your field craft is sufficient because you take a deer every year from a stand over a salt-lick or a pile of apples you threw into the field - you are NOT properly prepared to be part of a serious Liberty Forces Team - much less a Leader or Commander
Yes, there IS a difference between a Leader and a Commander.
More to follow.
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